Thursday, February 9, 2017

Greetings Avid and Devoted Readers:
Since everyone knows that William Strunk's The Elements of Style hasn't gone out of style since Strunk himself first collected his own lecture notes and published the resulting manuscript for his students, one can assume that contents of that famously slim volume are still powerful and worthy of a review. So, sit back and have a nice, stress-free read. I will keep it brief, juicy, and weekly, Darlings, so read me here on Thursdays, and I will make you smarter.

Read me any time at We'll leave the site on for you.

PS: Now I know you all buy all the books I tell you to buy, and I know you likely already have this one, but here is the link to buy The Elements of Style.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Holy Cow! How easy is it to forget you are blogging? If you run out of fun English things to do, just go to the website:
Meanwhile, I am adding this blog to my schedule, so you will be hearing form me soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How Great This Blog Looks

You gotta know its true!

Journal Prompts as Liquid Plummber for Your Soul

Greetings Blog Guests:
Does anyone remember these prompts? They are oldies but goodies. Who is still keeping a journal? I can't begin to list the reasons why you should be if you aren't. Just don't forget the pleasure of your own thoughts.

  1. The best day of my life was when. . . .
  2. The worst day of my life was when I. . . .
  3. I hate writing because. . . .
  4. The worst injury I ever had was when I. . . .
  5. One time I really wanted to help someone, but. . . .
  6. I am sure glad I helped out when. . . .
  7. What I am proudest of is my. . . .
  8. For fun, I like to. . . .
  9. In five years, I will be/have/be doing/achieve. . . .
  10. If I had a bazillionmillion dollars I would . . . .
  11. I sure hate it when people. . . .
  12. I love it when people. . . .
  13. One thing I am really good at is. . . .
  14. My favorite book is about. . . .
  15. The best meal I ever ate was. . . .
  16. The prettiest thing I have ever seen was. . . .
  17. I didn’t get arrested that time when. . . .
  18. The thing I dislike most about myself is. . . .
  19. The most dreadful weekend I ever spent was when. . . .
  20. The way I spend a typical day is. . . .
  21. The worst vacation I ever took was when I went to. . . .
  22. I felt very out of place when I. . . .
  23. When I want to help someone, I . . . .
  24. I needed help when. . . .
  25. The most eccentric person I have ever known was. . . .
  26. The best teacher I ever had taught me. . . .
  27. The most significant event in my life was when. . . .
  28. My favorite political topic is ???? because. . . .
  29. I hate politics because. . . .
  30. The world would be a much better place if. . . .
  31. I would be perfect if. . . .
  32. I will be happy when. . . .
  33. I believe in extraterrestrial life because. . . .
  34. I don’t believe in gravity because. . . .
  35. I think other people. . . .
  36. When I graduate I am going to. . . .
  37. I like to write because. . . .
  38. The best book I ever read was. . . .
  39. The moment that changed my life was when. . . .
  40. My favorite pet is/was. . . .
  41. The mountains/beaches/forests are the best geographical feature because. . . .
  42. I like/hate to exercise because. . . .
  43. My favorite holiday is. . . .
  44. My favorite activity is. . . .
  45. I wish I had a giant, smart brain so I could. . . .
  46. What I regret most is. . . .
  47. One bad habit I can’t break is. . . .
  48. My best characteristic is my. . . .       
  49. Drinking/beverages (anything)
  50. Elderly drivers
  51. What would it be like to live in a different time period? (your choice)
  52. Gardening (flower and/or veggie)
  53. Spring fever
  54. The perfect vacation
  55. The magic ink pen
  56. An unusual pet
  57. Boredom
  58. Soul mates
  59. The ideal house
  60. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
  61. My biggest fear
  62. In ten years, I’ll be…
  63. Fun with food
  64. My future car
  65. The ideal friend
  66. Alone in a cemetery (Halloween)
  67. What I hate about winter (or spring)
  68. What I love about winter (or spring)
  69. Rain
  70. Write about a dream and what you think it indicates.
  71. The color red
  72. My pet peeve
  73. A rainbow in the night
  74. My favorite animal
  75. The perfect job
  76. If I had more time, I would …
  77. What I hate about love
  78. The best things about summer
  79. What’s wrong with hair
  80. The most unusual experience I’ve ever had was…
  81. A sailing ship
  82. Watching clouds
  83. A blank piece of paper
  84. A locked door
  85. The scent of a rose
  86. Thoughts about reading
  87. What am I?
  88. The best day of my life was when. . . .
  89. The worst day of my life was when I. . . .
  90. I hate writing because. . . .
  91. The worst injury I ever had was when I. . . .
  92. One time I really wanted to help someone, but. . . .
  93. I am sure glad I helped out when. . . .
  94. What I am proudest of is my. . . .
  95. For fun, I like to. . . .
  96. In five years, I will be/have/be doing/achieve. . . .
  97. If I had a bazillionmillion dollars I would . . . .
  98. I sure hate it when people. . . .
  99. I love it when people. . . .
  100. One thing I am really good at is. . . .
  101. My favorite book is about. . . .
  102. The best meal I ever ate was. . . .
  103. The prettiest thing I have ever seen was. . . .
  104. I didn’t get arrested that time when. . . .
  105. The thing I dislike most about myself is. . . .
  106. The most dreadful weekend I ever spent was when. . . .
  107. The way I spend a typical day is. . . .
  108. The worst vacation I ever took was when I went to. . . .
  109. I felt very out of place when I. . . .
  110. When I want to help someone, I . . . .
  111. I needed help when. . . .
  112. The most eccentric person I have ever known was. . . .
  113. The best teacher I ever had taught me. . . .
  114. The most significant event in my life was when. . . .
  115. My favorite political topic is ???? because. . . .
  116. I hate politics because. . . .
  117. The world would be a much better place if. . . .
  118. I would be perfect if. . . .
  119. I will be happy when. . . .
  120. I believe in extraterrestrial life because. . . .
  121. I don’t believe in gravity because. . . .
  122. I think other people. . . .
  123. When I graduate I am going to. . . .
  124. I like to write because. . . .
  125. The best book I ever read was. . . .
  126. The moment that changed my life was when. . . .
  127. My favorite pet is/was. . . .
  128. The mountains/beaches/forests are the best geographical feature because. . . .
  129. I like/hate to exercise because. . . .
  130. My favorite holiday is. . . .
  131. My favorite activity is. . . .
  132. I wish I had a giant, smart brain so I could. . . .
  133. What I regret most is. . . .
  134. One bad habit I can’t break is. . . .
  135. My best characteristic is my. . . . 
  136. I hate it when my teachers. . . .
  137. I love it when my teachers. . . .
  138. I learned the most from. . . .
  139. When I graduate I want to. . . .
  140. The reason I want XXX for president is. . . .
  141. I facilitate my spiritual growth when I. . . .
  142. I like English because. . . .
  143. The last good book I read was about. . . .
  144. My favorite magazine is XXX because. . . .
  145. I think XXX is the best poet because. . . .
  146. I like the songs of XXX because. . . .
  147. I like to research because. . . .
  148. I am happiest when I am. . . .
  149. I hate writing in this journal because. . . .
  150. The biggest fish I ever caught was at. . . .
  151. I do/don’t want to have XXX children because. . . .           
  152. My best friend always. . . .
  153. I like it when. . . .

As always, thank you for reading and keep on writing. By Jeanne Green


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Former Students and Other Unwilling English Enthusiasts

All Darlings:
Will you please comment on your least favorite part of English composition?  Was it the writing?  Was it sentence fragments?  Was it being graded that chapped your ass the most?  I have always wondered and would love so info.
Additionally, although I don't know who is still out there, I want some suggestions about what you would like to read on a blog post or website,
Let me hear you!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hey Little Peas:
I just found this blog from our classes.  I had forgotten all about it whilst I was sick.  It tells me we had 800 odd views, and 78 posts.  If you are still out there, find your sign in info. and let's get crackin' along again.  I will even put up some real posts instead of just prodding your guys to do so.  Peace and Love, Jeanne

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thousands of Adoring Fans Famished for Fiction

Darling Fans:
I have just now managed to log back into this blog. Many new and exciting things are about to happen on this blog, so just hold on to your proverbial hat!
Seasons Greetings!
Jeanne Greenie